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Thursday, 3 April 2014

Harry Ramsden - Trial and tribulation, exploration of idea designs

This blogpost is summarising all of the key design decisions that effected my overall deliverables...

Type; My search began at very loose flowing, cliche type that would usually be for a fish & chip shop, when I realised this, it began to define what sort of appeal I wanted.

After printing the business card I was able to see that the watermark in the bottom-right wasn't really needed. Although there was nothing wrong with it, the logo was strong enough just to be used on the front with the main information on the back and no other design.

I was pleased with how the fish & chips shop box had turned out, my idea of keeping it simple had paid off with the finer details on the sides of the box really standing out. With this in mind, i've decided to discard the fish, this was following a crit feedback in which it got brought up that I should maybe mess around with the composition of the chip in it's mouth etc.

For food-to-go, I used this as a chance to create something heavily involving illustration and type. The fish and chips would be wrapped in greaseproof paper which would then be covered in a trace paper. This is because I thought about personally eating fish and chips and the greaseproof papers don't tend to hold very well when the grease has took ahold. Therefore this extra layer will not only look more attractive, it will also add stability to the fish and chips eating experience.


Reds Restaurant

Composition & Layout…

I generated various designs in hope of creating some elements for the interior of the restaurant. The logo below was appealing but I could tell straight away it resembled many other logo's and wouldn't really define Harry Ramsdens.

Potential Wall Designs? Following the completion of these and crits, I've decided to discard of these designs, this is on the basis of the chip in the fishes mouth, in hind-sight I think the fish on it's own has more appeal than with the chip as it looks peculiar when on a big scale or in obvious places.

After laser cutting numerous designs, I cut one larger design, the purpose for this would've been for the interior wall display. That's if it were not for the use of colour I applied. I wasn't very keen on how it had dried, being blatantly different from the identity colour meant it didn't really share a synergy with it.

For the interior of the restaurant I began designing a wallpaper with too little time to complete, the basis of the design was successful in terms of the fish, salt shaker and chip. However the colour was totally off, it was too dark for one. It also shared no relevance with 'HR' therefore I decided to leave this design and make sure my other deliverables were of a high standard. I will return to this brief for my Portfolio which is comforting.

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Leeds College of Art. Graphic Design.

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