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Friday, 18 April 2014

Air freshener - Elmwood, research

Air Freshener 
Popular Culture / FOOD
Source: DailyMail

It is smells that remind us of home that bring us the most happiness, conjuring up treasured memories to make us feel utterly content.
Nostalgic scents of freshly washed sheets, cut grass and home baking are Britain's favourite fragrances, a survey has revealed.
Comfortable, domestic smells of cooking or our mother's perfume can whisk us back to a forgotten childhood world in seconds.

Crazy for gravy: A traditional Sunday roast ranked highly on the list, with one in ten of us rating the aroma of crisping potatoes and a tender joint as our favourite smell 

Participants named aftershave, beer and fresh paint as the smells that reminded them of their fathers, while perfume, Sunday roasts and freshly washed sheets triggered memories of mothers.
More than a third said the smell of the seaside, sun lotion, ice-cream or barbecues reminded them of lazy, sun-soaked days.

But it is in our own domain that smells play their most important part in our lives - with 82 per cent saying the smell of a clean home makes them happy.

Lindsey Taylor, from Vileda, which commissioned the study, said: 'Comfort smells associated with the home, such as Sunday roasts and fresh linen, make us happy and by keeping your home clean and fresh you will make sure that they are not drowned out by bad smells like kitchen bins and piles of washing up in the sink.
'We’ve developed our first ever cleaning liquid scent for the Vileda 1, 2 Spray mop to help keep homes looking and smelling fresh and clean.'
The study also revealed the extent to which modern life has influenced our memories, with today's scents replacing some which have been consigned to history.
Among the scents which associated with the older generation of grandmothers were soap, lavender and musky perfumes.
Wood smoke, pipe smoke and strong aftershaves brought back memories of grandfathers in times gone by and do not appear in the list of favourite modern-day smells.

Focus around people a little more personally, focusing on collections & couples of smells, to give your home a personal smell thats different from your common Air Fresheners. Taking the smells that bring people the most happiness & combining comfort food smells. This adds a scenario to the smell.s

idea 1 - where the smells around us are smells that are appreciated on a basis more personal to yourself 

send out a questionnaire that investigates the most appreciated smells and then as another questionnaire, find out about contemporary, food flavours…

Major Air freshener Brands:  royal pine, air wick, air pure, glade.

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